Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Some things are not worth the effort. Last night I was invited to a bonfire by one of my friends. She supposedly had everything taken care of or so I thought. I told her to come over to our house whenever they were ready and we would go from there. They came over like 20 min later, which was a lot sooner than I thought, but it was okay. It was 9:00. My roommate and I were eating some dinner. We ate and I was ready to go. When we were done, we sat around for a little bit waiting for our other friend Chad to come. In the mean time I went outside and taught one of the girls how to longboard. When we came back my roommate Josh was just leaving. He had invited some other girls to come with us and was going to pick them up. My young student and I continued to skate. We assumed that things were getting taken care of in our absence. After a while, we noticed that we had been skating for a long time. We went back into the house and saw that everyone was still there and no one seemed to be hustling things along. Josh was still gone. I knew I had some homework to do still and didn't want to be out all night. I wondered who was in charge of this bonfire. I asked my friend who had invited me to it in the first place and she didn't know what was going on. I thought there were people already up in the canyon having it and we just had to show up. I was wrong. We were the only ones who were going up and we still had to get firewood and everything. By the time I realized this it was already 11:30. "Alright," I said. "Lets go. Josh is taking too long. He'll have to just come up on his own."

Slowly everyone started taking me seriously and got up and followed me outside to the parking lot. I called Josh, and he said he was on his way. He got there, but then all of a sudden the girls who invited me had to wait for one of their friends. When they got there all of a sudden no one wanted to go up there and have a bonfire. I wasn't going to let this gathering go to waste, so I suggested that we go up to Rock Canyon Park and play some night games. After some debate, that's what we decided to do.

Once we got up there it was already 12:00. We got out of the cars, and everyone seemed to just stand there. "Okay, lets go," I said.

"We're waiting for another friend," one of the girls said.

"Well they can just come down and find us when they get here. Let's go," I replied.

"No, we want to wait for her."

I had had it. Everyone was being a bunch of wieners. This wasn't even my show, and I was bustin my butt trying to hustle everyone into doing something; anything. Finally I sat down and just enjoyed the view from the canyon. I wasn't going to do anymore. As I suspected everyone just lost interest and wanted to go home. I was okay with that, because I had homework to do.

So we went home and the whole activity was a flop. I did my homework and went to bed. As I lay there, I thought, "some things are just not worth the effort."


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