Thursday, June 30, 2005

To be honest, i've been really busy lately. I work a lot and am going to school. Today I was feeling a little overwhelmed with all the things I have to do. I felt like I was rushing all over to be able to get things done. Especially when I was leaving work today. My mind was racing to think of all the things that I had to do today when I saw a man hitchhiking on the side of the road. All I could see was that he was in his mid to late 50's and had no shirt on. I didn't care. I pulled over and told him to get in.

He smelt like cheap hard alcohol and I noticed that he had no front teeth. "How far are you goin," he asked.

"Oh, just up here into town," I said. "Where are you going?"

"Well, I'm just going up to the Smiths over there on Freedom Blvd."

Even though I wasn't going all the way to Smiths, I said, "Perfect. I'm going right by there."

We were off. I felt like talking to him, but the car remained silent. I after a few seconds I turned up the music I was listening to so that it wouldn't be so quiet. I was listening to the Counting Crows. He seemed to like it as I could see him tapping his fingers to the beat in approval. Or maybe he was just doing that to seem like he was obligated to like my music because I picked him up. Either way we both listened to the music the whole way; him tapping his fingers on the door with his hand out the window and me drumming on the steering wheel.

We got to Smiths and he got out. "Thanks man," he said.

"No problem. Any time," I answered back.


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