Saturday, June 25, 2005

Making people feel uncomfortable is actually an art.

Its one thing to make someone that you don't know at all uncomfortable, but its another thing to be able to make some one that you know well very uncomfortable.

I have a roommate who currently doesn't do anything. He has no job, and isn't going to school, so very often he is home lounging around when I come home from school or work. He's kinda like a little dog friend who waits at the door for you to walk in. Anyway, we know eachother pretty well and joke around often. Sometimes we will be the only ones in the house. Suddenly Ill start to do some very well crafted interpretive dance, and really put on my game face to pull it off. My room mate will just get really embarrassed and wont even look at me. He won't know what to do and will say things like Aww, I hate you. I think its very funny.


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