Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Today I started a new job. I got the job from a friend who works there too. I went in for an interview last week and had a start date for today. This weekend tough the company went on a trip to Lake Powell. I was able to go and spend Thursday through Sunday with all the people that I would be working with. It was a good chance to get to know them and spend time on a more personal level with them. Today when I went in to work there wasn't any awkwardness at all because I had just spent four days with most of the employees.
The first thing that we did was fill out all the paperwork that goes with starting a new job. We also got a brief overview about what it was we were going to do. I am going to be working as a business consultant and my job is to find new clients to add to our clientel. Once I have found a potential client and explained to them the services that the company offers, I turn them over to my consulting partner who sells them the service.
I have done this type of work before so I have some experience with my previous job. The fun thing is that the company is still starting out and really growing too, so that leaves a lot of room for me to be promoted and because their sales stradegy is by no means concrete, I get to develop it and find the best way for us to sell our service. I am working together with the oldest employee to do so. My goal is to really contribute to the company and provide them with an effective sales script and to of course prove that it works by increasing sales. I am positive that if I do that I will be able to make more money and help new employees be more succesful much faster than they would if they were to try to figure out everything on their own.
Tomorrow Dixie will have been gone for a whole week. Even though we were never dating exclusively before she left, it feels like that will be the case when she gets home. I know that I am supposed to date other people and all, but right now I don't have much of a desire to do so. I guess Im scared that if I go on some dates and who knows, kiss a girl, that she will somehow still be around when Dixie gets back. I don't want that to happen, so I seem to have been very standoffish towards the opposite sex. Oh well.
I talked to her today. Even though there wasn't much to talk about with her being in Louisiana and all, I still seemed to miss her. I know that sounds lame and cliche, but its true. I really can't wait for her to get back so we can spend more time together.
Don't judge me because Im writing this at 2:00 in the morning. Thanks.


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