Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Sometimes when I go camping or do things where Im outside a lot. I really enjoy outdoor activities. The fresh air is always a pleasure to breathe. The serene sense of nature all around gives me a wonderful feeling inside. There are times when I go about my outdoor activities and there is nothing that bothers me at all. The experience is flawless. But other times I am plaged with the thing that I hate most in the world. Mosquitos.
I hate mosquitoes. They are by far the most annoying things on this planet. There is nothing that ruins a good time outdoors like mosquitos buzzing around your ears and biting you. Its funny, because I'll be having a good time doing whatever and suddenly I'll see a mosquito biting me. Immidiately I become hostile and paranoid. I can't help but be constantly searching for some sneaky insect to be trying to use me. I can't stand the thought of these little creatures sucking my blood and giving me an itchy spot somewhere on my body. The thought sends shivers down my spine.
I must admit that it does give me some real satisfaction to smash one, especially if he was almost done filling himself with my blood. I feel like I am a police man and catching the little blood theif who is stealing my blood. I of course show no mercy and quickly sentence him to death, squashing him and causing him to let his collection of deep red blood be smeared on the skin.
I know that this seems all pretty gross, but I'm not sure if I really care. I know that they were put here to torment and afflict man, but I see no reason to afflict them as often as the occation arises.


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