Thursday, June 23, 2005

Dusk was falling fast. It was a long day at the office, and Jim was happy to momentarally leave it behind. The wind blew scattered fattened raindrops from the dark clouds above that caused him walk briskly to his car. With his collar up, he unlocked it, opened the door and sat down with a sigh of relief. Although all alone, he felt a sense of companionship. Not the kind of companionship that one would have with his dog, or with a friend, but the kind that comes from a higher power; from diety. Jim had a unique sense of spirituality that seemed to never leave him. He could recall many times in his life where he could sense His presence. It always seemed to be in strange situations too. He would feel a divine presence when he would be watching his favorite TV show, or when he was paying for his groceries. Quite often in fact did he feel a higher power accompanying him. Oddly enough, Jim wasn't a religious man. He was not the church going type, and in fact felt a sense of disgust towards the present day religions. Many times he dispised his gift. He used to curse God for it. Now he has gotten used to the idea and rarely speaks of it or even gives it second thought.
(to be continued)


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